Bouquet of roses

Always online
We have a regularly changing range of beautiful roses, which vary in both color and price. If you have specific wishes, you have the option of specifying these when ordering. The number of roses we can use depends on the market price. If you would like to order a certain number, please contact us or indicate your wishes. You can also indicate whether you would like a pure rose or a rose with garnish.

Choose your preferred size:

Price incl. VAT plus delivery costs

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So many humans, so many wishes. I would love to help you with your choice, do you want me to make a suggestion based on your preferences?

Monday: 10 - 13 Hour
Tuesday: 10 - 13 Hour
Wednesday: 10 - 13 Hour
14:30 - 18 Hour
Thursday: 10 - 13 Hour
14:30 - 18 Hour
Friday: 10 - 13 Hour
14:30 - 18 Hour
Saturday: 9 - 13 Hour
Sunday: Closed